


Era il 10 settembre del 1964 quando i Kinks raggiungevano per la prima volta la vetta delle classifiche di vendita dei singoli in Inghilterra con “You Really Got Me“; il resto è storia (indelebile e inconfutabile) della musica rock. La pubblicazione di un pregevole cofanetto celebrativo del 50° anniversario della nascita dei Kinks ci offre lo spunto per ripercorrere brevemente le fasi salienti della carriera del gruppo inglese.

Le radici Rhythm & Blues sono in bella mostra nel loro repertorio, mescolate con istanze di Rock, Brit-Pop, Beat, Blues, Country e perfino di Music-Hall e Pub-Jazz; tutte assieme hanno portato i Kinks ad essere una delle più importanti band in terra d’Albione, alternativa per niente peregrina a Beatles, Rolling Stones, Who e Yardbirds che alla metà dei Sessanta si dividevano i favori più consistenti del pubblico degli appassionati. I Kinks vanno anche considerati quali precursori del Garage Rock, di certi indirizzi Punk e della Psychedelia; una formazione, insomma, per la quale non è abusato il termine di ‘seminale’ e che, come detto, raggiungeva per la prima volta la testa delle classifiche mezzo secolo fa con un classico assoluto come “You Really Got Me”, un pezzo significativo come pochi per quell’assolo di chitarra ossessivo, per il suono distorto, e i toni ‘sporchi’ e forsennati, che tanti discepoli ha generato successivamente (Pete Townshend degli Who in primis). Certamente devono molto alla band dei fratelli Davies formazioni come i Mott The Hoople, i Pretenders, i Jam, i Madness, i Blur, gli Xtc, i Fall, Paul Weller e Damon Albarn, solo per citarne alcune. Poi c’è da prendere in considerazione una discografia ufficiale piuttosto complessa, visto che la maggior parte della corposa mole di singoli pubblicati, sui quali la band ha costruito la fama oltreché il proprio repertorio, non ha trovato posto negli album, procurando un certo disorientamento a quanti avessero avuto in animo di ricomporre i pezzi del loro magnifico mosaico musicale. Infatti, solo nelle ristampe rimasterizzate uscite tempo fa si è provveduto a recuperare filologicamente l’unitarietà di questi gioielli fondamentali inserendoli come bonus-track delle nuove edizioni. L’ascolto degli album dei Kinks, a distanza di così tanti anni dalla loro pubblicazione originaria, permette di comprendere meglio il peso specifico che questo gruppo ha avuto sui destini della musica rock, le contaminazioni di cui si è fatto portatore su decine e decine di artisti. I Kinks sono stati propositivi, ispirati ed eclettici come pochi e in anticipo sui tempi: tra influenze provenienti dall’India (“See My Friends”) che hanno fatto scuola sulla scena Britannica (vedi Beatles), concept-album (“Face To Face”), ballate ambigue e decadenti (“Sunny Afternoon”), il folk che si mescola al rock, il pop anni Cinquanta, il Glam-Rock (“Lola”), il country-rock, la Swinging London, addirittura il Music Hall della tradizione adattato al nuovo vento giovanile che batteva a quel tempo, l’ironia pungente e caustica sulla middle-class messa alla berlina (“A Well Respected Man”); hanno pure anticipato tante delle fenomenologie che avrebbero preso spazio poco più avanti in terra americana (Velvet Underground, Lou Reed) e oltre (Television, Iggy Pop). Il nucleo originario dei Kinks si forma in una delle periferie londinesi e contempla assieme ai due fondatori, Ray e Dave Davies (tutti e due sia cantanti che chitarristi), Pete Quaife al basso e Mick Avory alla batteria. Si mettono ben presto in luce ottenendo un contratto discografico nei primi mesi del 1964 con la Pye Records, grazie al produttore Shel Talmy; i primi due singoli incisi in rapida successione sono una cover di “Long Tall Sally” di Little Richard e “You Still Want Me” scritta da Ray, ma il gruppo non decolla fino a quando non viene pubblicato “You Really Got Me”, pezzo – come detto – epocale e provvisto di una decisa marcia in più rispetto ai primi due. Il primo posto delle classifiche britanniche (raggiunto il 10 settembre di quell’anno) fa il paio con il 7° posto in quelle americane e meno di un mese dopo esce il primo omonimo album, “Kinks”, pieno di cover di classici Rock & Roll e Rhythm & Blues, che si piazza al #3 in Inghilterra e nella Top 30 in Usa. È poi la volta di un altro singolo (non contenuto nell’album da poco pubblicato), “All Day And All Of The Night”, realizzato sulla stessa lunghezza d’onda di “You Really Got Me” ed il successo si ripete su entrambe le sponde dell’oceano. Il sound comincia a farsi sempre più sofisticato e multiforme, lo stile del gruppo comincia ad assumere connotazioni distintive. L’anno dopo, nel 1965, i Kinks, approfittando del particolare stato di grazia regalano ai loro fan una serie impressionante di nuove incisioni a 45 giri (“Tired Of Waiting For You”, “Come On Now”, “Ev’rybody’s Gonna Be Happy”, “Set Me Free”, “See My Friend”, “A Well Respected Man”, “Till The End Of The Day”, “Where Have All The Good Times Gone”, “Dedicated Follower Of Fashion” e lo straordinario “Sunny Afternoon”, e via discorrendo negli anni seguenti con altri hit quali “Mr. Pleasant”, il classico brit-pop “Waterloo Sunset”, “Death Of A Clown”, pubblicato a nome del solo Dave Davies, “David Watts”, “Autumn Almanac”) e LP (“Kinda Kinks”, “The Kink Kontroversy”, “Face To Face”, “Something Else By The Kinks”, “The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society”) che non si adagiano sugli allori e provano a sperimentare nuove soluzioni, ad esplorare nuove strade, ed il consenso del pubblico è sempre notevole; o quasi, perché non sempre le significative innovazioni introdotte dal gruppo sono di immediata assimilazione. A complicare le cose giunge pure il divieto delle autorità americane che impedisce ai Kinks di esibirsi negli Usa per via di alcune intemperanze dei fratelli Davies, e i frequenti litigi tra i due nelle esibizioni dal vivo. Di fatto questa decisione – che durerà fino al 1969, in un arco di tempo nel quale il gruppo raggiunge il massimo livello di popolarità in Inghilterra – non consente loro di affermarsi come avrebbero potuto sul territorio americano e susciterà il disappunto di Ray Davies che pure quando l’embargo sarà terminato non vorrà, per sua scelta, tornare ad esibirsi da quelle parti. Con il risultato che con ogni probabilità questo episodio ha danneggiato i Kinks e precluso loro il conseguimento di traguardi importantissimi su un mercato discografico così importante e nelle dinamiche evolutive del Rock da lasciare in eredità ai posteri. Gli anni a partire dal 1968 iniziano a segnare il declino della band dal punto di vista commerciale – i tempi cambiano e nuove prospettive si offrono al Rock – ma non sotto il profilo creativo che continua ad essere foriero di innovazioni e sperimentalismi, cui solo il tempo sarà in grado di dare soddisfacente riconoscimento critico; si pensi ad esempio all’album “Arthur Or the Decline And Fall Of The British Empire” del 1969, complesso, difficile ed articolato, o a “Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround – Part One” del 1970 o “Muswell Hillbillies” del ’71, disco dell’ennesima svolta di una creatività inesauribile. Ma c’è ancora spazio per qualche hit isolato come la stupenda ballata Folk-Rock “Lola”, del ’70, e “Apeman” dall’odore caraibico dello stesso anno. La carriera dei Kinks proseguirà negli anni successivi con qualche significativo rigurgito di gran classe (l’album “Sleepwalker” del ’77, “Misfits” del ’78, “Low Budget” del ’79, il live “One For The Road” dell’80, “Give The People What They Want” dell’81, “State Of Confusion” dell’83 che contiene la deliziosa perla “Come Dancing”) e poi stancamente a partire dal 1984 fino allo scioglimento definitivo del 1996; racchiudere fondamentalmente la loro carriera in sette anni densi, incredibili e favolosi nel’arco di tempo che va dal 1964 al 1971 – come si fa per il cofanetto in esame – è scelta quanto mai appropriata.
Questo pregevolissimo box di 5 dischi (contiene in una magnifica sintesi 139 pezzi del gruppo, ‘Newly remastered’) che celebra il 50° anniversario della loro nascita, non solo distilla il meglio della loro autorevole produzione discografica ma vi aggiunge 25 brani mai pubblicati precedentemente, mescolati con ‘rare demos’, ‘outtakes’, ‘session outtakes’ e ‘alternate mixes’, il tutto corroborato da dettagliate note e informazioni e racchiuso in un funzionale box-set. È una raccolta imperdibile che può fare al caso di coloro dei novizi o di coloro che hanno trascurato negli anni le performance di questo grande gruppo inglese, e di sicuro – per accuratezza, piacevolezza della confezione ed un buon numero di brani in versioni inedite – potrà interessare anche lo zoccolo duro e fedele dei fan di lunga data, quelli per intenderci che già posseggono tutti i loro album. Tante preziose gemme, molte pietre miliari, tra cui “You Really Got Me“, “Stop Your Sobbing”, “All Day And All of the Night“, “Till The End of The Day“, “A Well Respected Man“, “Sunny Afternoon“, “Dead End Street“, “Waterloo Sunset“, “David Watts“, “Autumn Almanac“, “Days“, “Picture Book” e “The Village Green Preservation Society“. Sul primo CD viene catturato lo spirito e il contributo dato alla British Invasion, le influenze subite da Beatles e Yardbirds, con pezzi storici quali “You Really Got Me” dall’indimenticabile riff, “Stop Your Sobbing”, carico ed emozionante, “Tired of Waiting for You”, l’energico “Everybody’s Going to Be Happy”, “Who’ll Be the Next in Line”, “Set Me Free”, “I Need You”. Il disco 2 si apre con “See My Friends”, intinto di psichedelia, prosegue con alcune demo (tra cui segnaliamo “There’s a New World Just Opening for Me”) e prosegue con altri pezzi familiari del repertorio dei Kinks come “A Well Respected Man”, “Till the End of the Day” e “Where Have All the Good Times Gone”, tutti pezzi che costituiscono l’espressione di un fase più riflessiva, nostalgica e meditata del gruppo inglese. Il disco 3 è l’espressione di una raggiunta maturità artistica, si incentra su “Sunny Afternoon”, una delle perle del loro repertorio, e si arricchisce di altri brani tratti da “Face to Face” del ’66; altri brani inclusi in questo disco sono estratti dall’album inciso l’anno successivo, il 1967, “Something Else” assieme ad alcuni alternate mixes e a singoli. Il disco 4 inizia con “Autumn Almanac” dà avvio ad una fase in cui abbondano le soluzioni nella discografia del gruppo di Ray Davies, una fase ricca di inventiva e il corpo di lavoro della band inglese si arricchisce di riff, armonie come mai era accaduto in precedenza. Nella scelta dei brani inclusi nell’antologia sono quanto mai evidenti i segni del talento del gruppo (siglati da album quali “Village Green Preservation Society”, “Arthur”, “Lola” e “Muswell Hillbillies”) con brani quali “This Is Where I Belong”, “Death of a Clown”, “Village Green”, “Two Sisters”, “David Watts”, “Lola”, “Apeman”. Il disco 5 è zeppo di curiosità, di outtakes. Questo box celebrativo dei 50 anni (che contiene anche un esclusivo singolo 7”) è solo l’antefatto alla ristampa di numerosi album della loro discografia che seguiranno nel 2015.


(Luigi Lozzi)                                                © RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA


(immagini per cortese concessione della Sony Music)


1. I’m A Hog For You, Baby – The Boll-Weevils (Jerry Leiber, Mike Stoller) First issued on Picture Book, Sanctuary/Universal 5313049 (8 Dec 2008)
2. I Don’t Need You Anymore (demo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinks – Deluxe Edition, Sanctuary/Universal 275 627- 4 (28 Mar 2011)
3. Ev’rybody’s Gonna Be Happy (demo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinks – Deluxe Edition, Sanctuary/Universal 275 627-4 (28 Mar 2011)
4. Long Tall Sally (Richard Penniman, Robert Blackwell, Enotris Johnson) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15611 (7 Feb 1964)
5. I Took My Baby Home (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15611 (7 Feb 1964)
6. You Still Want Me (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15636 (17 Apr 1964)
7. You Do Something To Me (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15636 (17 Apr 1964)
8. You Really Got Me (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15673 (4 Aug 1964)
9. It’s All Right (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15673 (4 Aug 1964)
10. Beautiful Delilah (alternate mono mix) (Chuck Berry) First issued on The Kinks In Mono, Sanctuary/Universal 277 694-4 (27 Dec 2011)
11. Just Can’t Go To Sleep (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinks, Pye LP NPL 18096 (2 Oct 1964)
12. I’m A Lover, Not A Fighter (alternate mono mix) (Miller) First issued on The Kinks In Mono, Sanctuary/Universal 277 694-4 (27 Dec 2011)
13. Little Queenie (Live At The Playhouse Theatre, 1964) (Chuck Berry) First issued on Kinks – Deluxe Edition, Sanctuary/Universal 275 627-4 (28 Mar 2011)
14. Too Much Monkey Business (alternate take) (Chuck Berry) First issued on Kinks – Deluxe Edition, Sanctuary/Universal 275 627-4 (28 Mar 2011)
15. Stop Your Sobbing (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinks, Pye LP NPL 18096 (2 Oct 1964)
16. All Day And All Of The Night (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15714 (23 Oct 1964)
17. I Gotta Move (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15714 (23 Oct 1964)
18. I Gotta Go Now (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinksize Session, Pye EP NEP 24200 (27 Nov 1964)
19. I’ve Got That Feeling (Live At Piccadilly Studios, 1964) (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinks – Deluxe Edition, Sanctuary/Universal 275 627-4 (28 Mar 2011)
20. Tired Of Waiting For You (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15759 (15 Jan 1965)
21. Come On Now (alternate mix) (Ray Davies) First issued on Picture Book, Sanctuary/Universal 5313049 (8 Dec 2008)
22. Look For Me Baby (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinda Kinks, Pye LP NPL 18112 (5 Mar 1965)
23. Nothin’ In The World Can Stop Me Worryin’ ‘Bout That Girl (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinda Kinks, Pye LP NPL 18112 (5 Mar 1965)
24. Wonder Where My Baby Is Tonight (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinda Kinks, Pye LP NPL 18112 (5 Mar 1965)
25. Don’t Ever Change (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinda Kinks, Pye LP NPL 18112 (5 Mar 1965)
26. You Shouldn’t Be Sad (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinda Kinks, Pye LP NPL 18112 (5 Mar 1965)
27. Something Better Beginning (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinda Kinks, Pye LP NPL 18112 (5 Mar 1965)
28. Ev’rybody’s Gonna Be Happy (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15813 (19 Mar 1965)
29. Who’ll Be The Next In Line (Session Excerpt – Backing Track Take One) (Ray Davies) Previously Unissued
30. Who’ll Be The Next In Line (alternate mix) (Ray Davies) Previously Unissued
31. Set Me Free (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15854 (21 May 1965)
32. I Need You (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15854 (21 May 1965)
33. Interview: Clay Cole Meets The Kinks Recorded June 17, 1965 Previously unissued
Tracks 5 – 13, 15 – 19 & 21 – 33 Produced by SHEL TALMY
Tracks 14 & 20 Produced by BERNIE ANDREWS

1. See My Friends (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15919 (30 Jul 1965)
2. Never Met A Girl Like You Before (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15919 (30 Jul 1965)
3. I Go To Sleep (demo) – Ray Davies (Ray Davies) First issued on Kinda Kinks, Essential/Castle Communications ESM CD 483 (30 Mar 1998)
4. A Little Bit Of Sunlight (demo) – Ray Davies (Ray Davies) First issued on Picture Book, Sanctuary/Universal 5313049 (8 Dec 2008)
5. Tell Me Now So I’ll Know (alternate demo) – Ray Davies (Ray Davies) Previously unissued
6. When I See That Girl Of Mine (demo) – Ray Davies (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kink Kontroversy, Essential/Castle Communications ESM CD 507 (30 Mar 1998)
7. There’s A New World Just Opening For Me (demo) – Ray Davies (Ray Davies) First issued on Picture Book, Sanctuary/Universal 5313049 (8 Dec 2008)
8. This Strange Effect (Live At Aeolian Hall, 1965) (Ray Davies) First issued on BBC Sessions 1964-1977, Sanctuary SANDD010 (12 Mar 2001)9. Hide And Seek (Live At Aeolian Hall, 1965) (Paul Winley, Ethel Byrd) First issued on Kinda Kinks – Deluxe Edition, Sanctuary/Universal 275 632-6 (28 Mar 2011)
10. A Well Respected Man (Ray Davies) First issued on Kwyet Kinks Session, Pye EP NEP 24221 (17 Sep 1965)
11. Such A Shame (Ray Davies) First issued on Kwyet Kinks Session, Pye EP NEP 24221 (17 Sep 1965)
12. Don’t You Fret (Ray Davies) First issued on Kwyet Kinks Session, Pye EP NEP 24221 (17 Sep 1965)
13. Till The End Of The Day (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15981 (19 Nov 1965)
14. Where Have All The Good Times Gone (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 15981 (19 Nov 1965)
15. Milk Cow Blues (John Estes) First issued on The Kink Kontroversy, Pye LP NPL 18131 (26 Nov 1965)
16. I Am Free (Dave Davies) First issued on The Kink Kontroversy, Pye LP NPL 18131 (26 Nov 1965)
17. The World Keeps Going Round (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kink Kontroversy, Pye LP NPL 18131 (26 Nov 1965)
18. I’m On An Island (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kink Kontroversy, Pye LP NPL 18131 (26 Nov 1965)
19. You Can’t Win (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kink Kontroversy, Pye LP NPL 18131 (26 Nov 1965)
20. Time Will Tell (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kinks’ Greatest Hits – Dead End Street, PRT KINK 1 (14 Oct 1983)
21. Dedicated Follower Of Fashion (Session Excerpt – Takes 1-3) (Ray Davies) Previously unissued
22. Dedicated Follower Of Fashion (single version) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17064 (25 Feb 1966)
23. Sittin’ On My Sofa (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17064 (25 Feb 1966)24. She’s Got Everything (Backing Track Take Two) (Ray Davies) Previously unissued
25. She’s Got Everything (alternate mono mix) (Ray Davies) Previously unissued
26. Mr. Reporter (version one) (Ray Davies) First issued on Picture Book, Sanctuary/Universal 5313049 (8 Dec 2008)
27. All Night Stand (demo) – Ray Davies (Ray Davies) First issued on Picture Book, Sanctuary/Universal 5313049 (8 Dec 2008)
Tracks 1, 2, 10- 26 Produced by SHEL TALMY
Tracks 8 & 9 Produced by Keith Bateson

1. Sunny Afternoon (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17125 (3 Jun 1966)
2. I’m Not Like Everybody Else (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17125 (3 Jun 1966)
3. Dandy (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on Face To Face, Pye LP NPL 18149 (28 Oct 1966)
4. Party Line (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on Face To Face, Pye LP NPL 18149 (28 Oct 1966)
5. Rosy Won’t You Please Come Home (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on Face To Face, Pye LP NPL 18149 (28 Oct 1966)
6. Too Much On My Mind (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on Face To Face, Pye LP NPL 18149 (28 Oct 1966)
7. Session Man (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on Face To Face, Pye LP NPL 18149 (28 Oct 1966)
8. Most Exclusive Residence For Sale (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on Face To Face, Pye LP NPL 18149 (28 Oct 1966)
9. Fancy (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on Face To Face, Pye LP NPL 18149 (28 Oct 1966)
10. Dead End Street (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17222 (18 Nov 1966)
11. Big Black Smoke (alternate stereo mix) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17222 (18 Nov 1966); This Mix Previously Unissued
12. Mr. Pleasant (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17314 (21 Apr 1967); This Mix Previously Unissued
13. This Is Where I Belong (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17314 (21 Apr 1967); This Mix Previously Unissued14. Village Green (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on French Pye EP PNV 24191 (May 1967); This Mix Previously Unissued
15. Two Sisters (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on French Pye EP PNV 24191 (May 1967); This Mix Previously Unissued
16. Waterloo Sunset (Session Excerpt – Backing Track Take Two) (Ray Davies) Previously Unissued
17. Waterloo Sunset (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Something Else By The Kinks, Pye LP NSPL 18193 (15 Sep 1967)
18. Act Nice And Gentle (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17321 (5 May 1967); This Mix Previously Unissued
19. Harry Rag (stereo) (Session Excerpt) (Ray Davies) Previously Unissued
20. Harry Rag (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Something Else By The Kinks, Pye LP NSPL 18193 (15 Sep 1967)
21. Death Of A Clown (stereo) – Dave Davies (Ray Davies, Dave Davies) First issued on Something Else By The Kinks, Pye LP NSPL 18193 (15 Sep 1967)
22. Love Me Till The Sun Shines (stereo) – Dave Davies (Dave Davies) First issued on Something Else By The Kinks, Pye LP NSPL 18193 (15 Sep 1967)
23. David Watts (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Something Else By The Kinks, Pye LP NSPL 18193 (15 Sep 1967)
24. Tin Soldier Man (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Something Else By The Kinks, Pye LP NSPL 18193 (15 Sep 1967)
25. Afternoon Tea (alternate stereo mix)(Ray Davies) Previously Unissued
26. Funny Face (stereo) – Dave Davies(Dave Davies) First issued on Something Else By The Kinks, Pye LP NSPL 18193 (15 Sep 1967)
27. Lazy Old Sun (alternate stereo mix)(Ray Davies) Previously Unissued28. Susannah’s Still Alive (stereo) – Dave Davies(Dave Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17429 (24 Nov 1967)
29. Good Luck Charm (stereo) – Dave Davies(John A. Koerner) First issued on Hidden Treasures, Sanctuary/Universal 277 765-3 (26 Sep 2011); This Mix Previously Unissued
Tracks 1 – 9, 11– 20, 23 & 24 Produced by SHEL TALMY
Tracks 10, 21, 22, 25 – 29 Produced by RAY DAVIES

1. Autumn Almanac (mono)(Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17405 (13 Oct 1967)
2. Lavender Hill (mono)(Ray Davies) First issued on The Great Lost Kinks Album, Reprise LP MS 2127 (25 Jan 1973)
3. Rosemary Rose (stereo)(Ray Davies) First issued on The Great Lost Kinks Album, Reprise LP MS 2127 (25 Jan 1973)
4. Wonderboy (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17468 (5 Apr 1968)
5. Polly (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17468 (5 Apr 1968)
6. Lincoln County (stereo single version) – Dave Davies (Dave Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17514 (30 Aug 1968); This Mix Previously Unissued
7. Did You See His Name? (stereo with alternate ending) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kink Kronikles, Reprise LP 2XS 6454; This Mix Previously Unissued
8. Days (Session Excerpt) (Ray Davies) Previously Unissued
9. Days (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17573 (28 Jun 1968)
10. Misty Water (alternate mix) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Great Lost Kinks Album, Reprise LP MS 2127 (25 Jan 1973); This Mix Previously Unissued11. Do You Remember Walter (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society, Pye LP NPL 18233 (22 Nov 1968)
12. Picture Book (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society, Pye LP NPL 18233 (22 Nov 1968)
13. Johnny Thunder (stereo remix) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society – Deluxe Edition, Sanctuary SMETD 102 (28 Jun 2004)
14. Big Sky (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society, Pye LP NPL 18233 (22 Nov 1968)
15. Animal Farm (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society, Pye LP NPL 18233 (22 Nov 1968)
16. Starstruck (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society, Pye LP NPL 18233 (22 Nov 1968)
17. Pictures In The Sand (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Great Lost Kinks Album, Reprise LP MS 2127 (25 Jan 1973)
18. People Take Pictures Of Each Other (European stereo mix) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society, Pye LP NSPL 18233 – France, Sweden & Norway pressings (Oct 1968)19. Interview: Ray Davies talks about Village Green Preservation Society (mono) First issued on The Kinks At The BBC, Sanctuary/Universal 279 721-8 (21 Aug 2012)
20.The Village Green Preservation Society (Live At The Playhouse Theatre, 1968) (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on BBC Sessions 1964-1977, Sanctuary SANDD010 (12 Mar 2001)
21.Hold My Hand (stereo) – Dave Davies (Dave Davies) This mix first issued on Arthur Or The Decline And Fall Of The British Empire – Deluxe Edition, Sanctuary/Universal (20 Jun 2011)
22.Creeping Jean (stereo) – Dave Davies (Dave Davies) This mix first issued on The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society – Deluxe Edition, Sanctuary SMETD 102 (28 Jun 2004)
23. Berkeley Mews (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Then, Now And Inbetween, Reprise LP PRO 328 (Jul 1969)
24. Till Death Us Do Part (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Great Lost Kinks Album, Reprise LP MS 2127 (25 Jan 1973)
25. When I Turn Out The Living Room Light (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Great Lost Kinks Album, Reprise LP MS 2127 (25 Jan 1973)
26. Where Did My Spring Go (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued on The Great Lost Kinks Album, Reprise LP MS 2127 (25 Jan 1973)
27. Plastic Man (stereo) (Ray Davies) This mix first issued on Star Parade, SR International LP 79343 (1969)
28. King Kong (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17724 (28 Mar 1969)
29. This Man He Weeps Tonight (mono) (Dave Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17812 (12 Sep 1969)
30. Reprise US Tour Spot (stereo) Previously Unissued
Tracks 1 – 18, 21 – 29 Produced by RAY DAVIES
Tracks 19 & 20 Produced by BILL BEBB

1. Victoria (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17865 (5 Dec 1969)
2. Some Mother’s Son (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Arthur Or The Decline And Fall Of The British Empire, Pye LP NSPL 18317 (10 Oct 1969)
3. Drivin’ (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17776 (20 Jun 1969)
4. Shangri-La (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17812 (12 Sep 1969)
5. She’s Bought A Hat Like Princess Marina (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Arthur Or The Decline And Fall Of The British Empire, Pye LP NSPL 18317 (10 Oct 1969)
6. Young And Innocent Days (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Arthur Or The Decline And Fall Of The British Empire, Pye LP NSPL 18317 (10 Oct 1969)
7. Mindless Child Of Motherhood (stereo) – The Kinks Featuring Dave Davies (Dave Davies) This mix first issued on Arthur Or The Decline And Fall Of The British Empire, Essential/Castle Communications ESM CD 511 (25 May 1998)
8. Lola (mono) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 17961 (12 Jun 1970)
9. Apeman (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued as Pye Single 7N 45016 (20 Nov 1970)
10. Strangers (stereo) (Dave Davies) First issued on Part One: Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Pye LP NSPL 18359 (27 Nov 1970)
11. Get Back In The Line (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Part One: Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Pye LP NSPL 18359 (27 Nov 1970)
12. Anytime (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Part One: Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround – Deluxe Edition, BMG (2014)
13. This Time Tomorrow (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Part One: Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Pye LP NSPL 18359 (27 Nov 1970)
14. A Long Way From Home (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Part One: Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Pye LP NSPL 18359 (27 Nov 1970)
15. Powerman (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Part One: Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Pye LP NSPL 18359 (27 Nov 1970)16. Got To Be Free (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Part One: Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Pye LP NSPL 18359 (27 Nov 1970)
17. Dreams (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Percy, Pye LP NSPL 18365 (26 Mar 1971)
18. Moments (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Percy, Pye LP NSPL 18365 (26 Mar 1971)
19. The Way Love Used To Be (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Percy, Pye LP NSPL 18365 (26 Mar 1971)
20. God’s Children (stereo) (Ray Davies) First issued on Percy, Pye LP NSPL 18365 (26 Mar 1971)

Kinks (1964, Pye)
Kinda Kinks (1965, Pye)
The Kink Kontroversy (1965, Pye)
Face To Face (1966, Pye)
Something Else By The Kinks (1967, Pye)
Live At Kelvin Hall (1968, live, Pye)
The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society (1968, Pye)
Arthur Or The Decline And Fall Of The British Empire (1969, Pye)
Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Part One (1970, Pye)
Percy (1971, Pye)
Muswell Hillbillies (1971, RCA)
Everybody’s In Show Biz (1972, RCA)
Preservation Act 1 (1973, RCA)
Preservation Act 2 (1974, RCA)
Soap Opera (1975, RCA)
Schoolboys In Disgrace (1975, RCA)
Sleepwalker (1977, Arista)
Misfits (1978, Arista)
Low Budget (1979, Arista)
One For The Road (1980, live, Arista)
Give The People What They Want (1981, Arista)
State Of Confusion (1983, Arista)
Word Of Mouth (1984, Arista)
Think Visual (1986, London)
The Road (1987, live, London)
UK Jive (1989, London)
Phobia (1993, Columbia)
To The Bone (1994, live, Guardian)